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Showing posts from October, 2019

Celebrating Self Destruction

I'm the mute spectator of my own death, Inhaling oxides of sulphur at my own will, Forgetting my own ethos to counter someone else , Bloodsheds don't amuse - Lemme go for my own kill. Loving the raging flames in my own lungs, Mocking those who try to work on goal, Sheathing the gills with the plastic, Global warming, Climate change and ozone hole, Lighting diyas for Facebook & Instagram, Soaking mantras and pooja with the bomb sound, Wisdom and Knowledge is far gone, You burst Diwali and I'm new year bound. The debates of euthanasia are signed in twitter wars, My festivities are D-Day for animals and mine for atmosphere, Let us both equate by killings plants together, That's my culture and that's my culture. I'm a human being. I once loved the life and its cycle, But the quest and greed for power has blinded me, The sin I'm doing don't have any resurrection, Once celebrated life now I'm celebrating self destruction.